10 Tips Travelling With The Pair
1. Remember that the pair is not a travel business visits. "I can travel around the world and does not feel .... We are working to complete the sentence, and my husband can catch the message! He frequently travel international business travel and family really different!"
2. Do not be misguided. "I often feel stress because I was a navigator and map reader, while the husband driving. This has caused us a quarrel over everything. But now we use GPS and that change everything!"
3. Find time to walk alone. "We have found great ways to avoid boredom after 24 hours togetherness. Be sure to schedule a separate trip regular-do things that you like throughout the day or evening. This conference will provide material and reduce the pressure."
4. Recognize your strengths. "He makes paper work and we do not lose any one moment, and I greatly appreciate it because we can make more informed decisions."
5. Completed before the fracas occurred. "It takes time for us to convey the secret of peace and sanctity of us ... we vow to have fun during the holidays! How we do it: we discuss in the beginning, before leaving, things that usually cause the fracas. We finish it before happen. "
6. Stomach must be satisfied. "Pain is dangerous hungry, we learn not to pause to eat" after this museum "or" only later in Malaga we sesampai "because it is very very bad."
7. Remain optimistic even though there is inconvenience. "I only easy to understand that people can feel suffering as a result of sorts, not sure of the direction will be the goal, feel hungry, for 2 hours, or even longer and knows what can happen again, as if this list could take forever. We all feel, and I feel almost mad. However, as they often travel far and long, I enjoy the togetherness we learn and that it is not compare with what we see or will not we see, what and when we eat, when we will arrive at the destination -- the wife is in the side. "
8. Let small things go. "I think the less we quarrel over the holidays, even though we spend more time together, because we are happy to be there. We always felt the tremor" woo hoo, we are more holiday help "and concerned issues that may disrupt our home ".
9. Always find a cure for the disappointment. "If you have not had time to visit a museum, there is still another at the end of the road there. If you turn you can find another way to arrive there. If you order something you do not like, the message again just something else. If you do not see there have to travel, the return plan. "
10. World as a pair of lovers. "Indeed, I find that we almost never quarrel or each other when we disagree traveling. Perhaps this is because we go long from all the stress could cause the differences between us. This kind of syndrome ', both of us against the world'."